No Gear Needed: 4 Games to Play on the Waves

a few games that require little to no supplies

Twenty Questions

This tried-and-true pastime doesn’t have to be saved for road trips!

To play Twenty Questions, one player (who will be “it” for the round) will think of a person, place, thing, or animal. The other players will take turns asking yes or no questions to determine what the secret answer is, but they can only ask 20 questions in total. If the other players can guess the secret answer, they win, but if they can’t, the person who is “it” does!

Tag-team stories

In this game, you and your group are working together to write a fictional story. Each player is responsible for keeping the story moving forward, adding a sentence when it’s their turn.

For example, if player one begins with “It was a warm, sunny day.”, the next could continue with, “Our family was having a picnic at our favorite park” and the following might create a twist such as, “Suddenly, the wind picked up and it began to snow.”

The possibilities are endless when it comes to what direction your stories will take on, and you’re sure to come up with some unexpected plot points!

Got It

There’s no limit to how many people can play Got It at once, though the more players you have the more exciting the game will be!

Two players each think of a word. It can be anything – an animal, place, idea, action, you name it! When each player has their word in mind, they’ll say their words together on the count of three. Two new players will try to think of a word that connects the two words said by the first two players and will say them together on the count of three. If you’re playing in a large group, ask the players to shout out “Got it!” when they’ve come up with a word and are ready to play. This continues until two players land on the same word!

Picture This:

In this game, you and your group are each directing a music video. Turn on your favorite playlist and let your creativity fly visualizing what would be happening in your music video. Take turns painting the scene for your group and see how they compare to your fellow players.